给 Post 添加 Status 属性
Terminal and db/migrate/2010..._add_status_to_posts.rb
# Terminal> rails g migration add_status_to_posts status:string_______________________________# 2010..._add_status_to_posts.rbclass AddStatusToPosts < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up add_column :posts, :status, :string, :default => "pending" end ...end_______________________________# Terminal> rake db:migrate
修改 Post 表单
...= simple_form_for @post do |f| ... = f.input :status, :as => :select, :collection => ['pending', 'published'], :include_blank => false ...
添加 pending 到 Post Model
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base ... def pending? status == 'pending' endend
一些 Helper 方法
为了让我们的 index 更‘干净’,我们在这里创建两个 辅助方法 app/helpers/post_helpers.rb
module PostsHelper ... def sequence_display(post) post.pending? ? image_tag('cone.jpeg', :title => 'Post Under Construction') : "##{post.sequence.to_s}" end def post_title(post) post.pending? ? post.title + " (Under Construction)" : link_to(post.title, post_url(post.sequence)) endend
更改 Post Index 页面(用到上面的 helper)
...- @posts.each do |post| .postShow .sequence= sequence_display(post) .title= post_title(post)
拒绝访问 Pending 的 Posts
class PostsController < ApplicationController ... def show @post = Post.find_by_sequence(params[:id]) redirect_to(posts_url, :alert => "Sorry, but that post is unavailable.") and return if @post.pending? && !admin? ... endend
相同道理,修改 Feed 页面
atom_feed do |feed| ... for post in @posts unless post.pending? feed.entry(post, :url => post_url(post.sequence)) do |entry| ... end end endend
再次同上,我们需要修改 post_link 辅助方法
module PostsHelper def post_link(position) found_post = @post.post(position) link = link_to("#{position.to_s.capitalize} Post", post_url(found_post.sequence)) if found_post !found_post.nil? && found_post.pending? && !admin? ? "(The #{position.to_s} post is under construction.)" : link end ...end
给 Logo 添加更多不同的样式
...#logo +text-shadow(#AAAAAA, 3px, 3px, 3px) +box-shadow(#AAAAAA, 3px, 3px, 3px, 3px, false) +transform(1, -15deg, 7px, 5px, 5deg) :width 256px :padding 5px 10px :border 5px solid $darkbrown :color $logo :font :size 40px :family "Matiz", "Lucida Grande" :weight bold...
添加 ‘一定’ 的背景色
$bkg1: #F2F2F2$bkg2: #DBC5D0html +min-height(100%) body.bp +min-height(100%) :background-color $bkg1 +linear-gradient(color-stops($bkg1, $bkg1 40%, $bkg2))